Friday, January 15, 2010

New Ways of keeping in Touch

Hoxton Councillors started blogging in 2006 to keep local residents up to date with the work that we have been doing.  Then, in July 2009 we added the micro-blogging site, Twitter, to our list of communications too as well as a Facebook group.

At the start of a new year, we want to add a further option for local residents to keep up with news and developments so, if you would like to join our mailing list for regular news letters, why not send us an email, typing "subscribe" in the subject box and we'll add you to our list.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Severe Weather Update

Following our pre-Christmas post on preparations for severe weather, the country has been hit by freezing temperatures and heavy snow fall. After a thaw in the past few days, snow has again fallen throughout the night here in London.

On their website the council has issued a severe weather update, detailing the impact on services as well as progress on gritting the borough roads. The council had been well prepared for the cold weather, having ordered additional grit and salt. However, due to the extreme conditions nationally, the government made a statement to parliament announcing that councils will be asked to reduce their grit use by 25 per cent to ensure there would be enough to go round nationally. Hackney will continue to press for additional supplies.

More information is available on the council website and Hoxton Councillors have asked for an statement to be given at the next full Council meeting on 27 January 2010.