The Prime Minister, Tony Blair got our term as local councillors got off to a flying start when he visited Hoxton.
Tony Blair and Ruth Kelly came by to see for themselves the local warden scheme in operation, to speak to local residents and to take a look at the Digital Bridge project.
The Prime Minister met the deputy chair of one of the local TRAs, as well as residents. He listened their thoughts on the work the wardens have been doing over the past three years.
Residents welcomed the good work that the wardens have done and praised their hard work paying recognition to the impact they have made on local crime figures.
Jules Pipe, the Mayor of Hackney, was also present and detailed his vision for joining up with the good work that wardens do right across the borough. He said that the additional funds he put in to the scheme was well spent because of the impact they have made to a fall in crime figures as well as improvements to health and a noticeable reduction in enviro-crime.
Despite the assurance that residents now have following a sustained decrease in crime, there is still evidence of a fear of crime but this should improve as people get to know their local safer neighbourhood team. They can be easily contacted and, recent experiences have shown that they are rapidly responding to incidents in the ward.
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