By email
By phone
- At the Town Hall 020 8356 3207
- Cllr Philip Glanville will hold his surgeries on the 3rdWednesday of the month between 6 pm 7 pm at Provost Community Hall Murray Grove, London N1 and 3rd Saturday of the month between 11am and 12pm at The Bell Club on Bowling Green Walk, Pitfield Street
- Cllr Clayeon McKenzie will hold his surgeries on the 2nd Tuesday of every month between 5.30 pm and 7.30 pm atThe Bell Club on Bowling Green Walk, Pitfield Street
- Cllr Carole Williams will hold her surgeries on the 2nd Monday of each month between 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm at 16a Malcolm House on the Arden Estate
Or, you can contact us by writing to us at the Town Hall
By Post:
London Borough of Hackney
Town Hall
Mare Street