From Cllr Williams to the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods: 'I welcome news in the most recent Safer Neighbourhoods Team newsletter in which information is given on the work being done by dedicated police teams to tackle hate crime against Hackney's LGBT community. Would the Cabinet Member highlight how the police are working in partnership with neighbouring boroughs to address the problem of homophobic crime?'
Each Borough Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) has a LGBT Police Liaison Officer who link into the Community Safety Unit; this is coordinated through New Scotland Yard.
Hackney Metropolitan Police Authority has 8 LGBT Police Liaison Officers and a coordinator who work in these roles voluntarily to support victims of homophobic crime. There is an East London Out Project (ELOP) based in Walthamstow that co-ordinate a 3 monthly meeting that brings all the LGBT Police Liaison Officers across the Borough's to tackle homophobic crime by sharing cross Borough intelligence. There is a further monthly networking meeting of LGBT Police Liaison Officers across the East London Borough's where they discuss and share ideas.Recently Councillors Philip Glanville and Carole Williams also spent an evening with Hackney Police's LGBT Liaision Officer to get a first hand view of what the police are doing to work with local licence holders and club goers to keep residents safe while out.
We don't want anyone to be the victim of crime so would urge you to speak to the LGBT Liaison Officer for advice and information. The number is 020 7275 3183 or you can email by clicking here.