Earlier this year I asked Hackney's Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Guy Nicholson about the number of student halls of residence that have been opening in Hoxton as well as across Shoreditch.
Residents have contacted Hoxton Councillors to register their concerns about the impact that a large number of students will have on Hoxton. In March, Councillor Carole Williams spoke at a planning committee against an application for yet another halls of residence on Corsham Street.
As the planning application sat within the council's own planning guidance, the application was accepted by the Committee.
However, the concerns of residents have been heard and ward Councillors have taken these on board.
You can see the letter from Councillor Nicholson here. In summary the response states that Hackney's Core Strategy has no specific policy on student housing but that it states Hackney will seek 'to provide a mix of housing to meet the identified needs of different types of households within the borough'. The letter also makes reference to the London Plan which requires boroughs to work with the Mayor of London and local communities ensuring that 'strategic and local requirements for student housing meeting a demonstrable need are addressed.'
Officers are currently working on the Development Management Development Plan will will include detailed criteria based policies for the assessment of planning applications that relate to student accommodation. At the time of writing the letter, that document was due to go to this month's Cabinet meeting scheduled for 25 April.
We will continue to update this blog with more information as it is received.