Friday, September 13, 2013
Hackney to Challenge Boris Johnson Overturning Planning Inspectorate Decision on Affordable Housing
Boris Johnson has made amendments to the London Plan prohibiting London boroughs setting their own affordable rent levels.
Under the Government's affordable rent scheme, social housing tenatns can be charged up to 80% of market rent. London boroughs want to be able to set the cap on affordable rents according to local need. Boris Johnson, however, want to set affordable rent without considering local need.
Labour Assembly Members joined forces with Lib Dem and Green Party Members to vote against the Mayor's damaging amendment, arguing that this would drive up rents and land prices and also make housing increasing unaffordable to those of low or modest incomes.
To read full details of the London Assembly meeting, read Jennette Arnold's website here.
The Mayor of Hackney, Jules Pipe, announced this week that Hackney will be joining 9 other councils to challenge Boris Johnson.
More details will be posted as soon as it is made available.